Thursday, June 7, 2007

What the hell'

07 june 07
The life as I have known it has never been simple and easy, the disasters that have always been around me have shaped my destiny and my life, the first major tragedy of my life was the day I was born and that was because the day I was born nine of my close relatives died an untimely death and all that was without an explanation.

Three years after I was born the day of my third birthday, both the buildings sorrounding mine collapsed and killed several people and again there was no explanation and just my birthday. The whole day that day my parents wondered if it was I who had done it somehow and had caused the disaster, but soon they waved the idea off .

On my sixth birthday again a great disaster took place, a flood in the Indonesia took the lives of thousands of people and again this was without any sort of explanation as any such activity was not expeceted before six months.