Monday, December 5, 2011

beautiful pain

have you felt that pain today
nay, not the bodily ailment...
that wrecks your knee or splits your head away

have you felt that pain today
not the humiliating pain of accepting
that you cannot go forward again

have you really had that pain today...
if its not physical...
is it then some psycho coctail....

then i ask again, 
to men swooned in ecstasy
with exotic pails gone over their heads
drenched deep in frolicks of your monies
have ye really felt the pain?

 pain of not letting go
when everyone said it'd be okay
pain, of seeting a goal 
and following it to the very end,
pain of letting a temptation by
without raising an eye
 pain of running that one last lap
pain of keeping at it when snores go by
pain, the joyous pain of winning yeah.....
have you felt that pain today...?

Lives go by, wihtout a recap
of what yesteryears have been
in monotony of drudgery
in helplessness of divinity,
in lethargy of eternity,
in lust of of infamy,

lives go unfullfilled 
in wait of morrow sunny, 
in brutal twist of destiny, 
in askence of a bloody penny,
in wait of ascendency

Its the PAIN 
the bloody, nasty inner pain
with the necessary pail of 
ice cold water, upon our heads
in winter's midstay,
pain, the bloody nosed gain
of smiling at the opponent
at end of round thirteen

its for that pain 
that our lives have a meaning
its after that pain that
the necter becometh
its that beautiful pain
that we remember having taken
to climb atop our everest
most acute of all sensations
is that bloody pain

its the pain, the pain most beautiful
when all others are seeking joy fleeting
and you sit down, to take that pain
for one day....
all this pain 
would become all that joy


metallicsting said...

i noe that this poem sounds cliched and filmy but sometimes its best to let it all out review...first draft straight up the blog

Anirudh H said...

nyc poem....didnt know few words...had to google them....but overall a good attempt..!!!!

Tanusha said...

@nit...i njoyd(undrstud) Part 1...twas nyc n plain:) fr d 2nd part it brought bak d memories of my language teachr who olways bombarded her lectures wid such tuff wrds!! ;) ....jokes apart,ur stuff is impressive!...KIP dude!