Saturday, November 12, 2011

blogging artform....................:0:

blogging.....the word itself sounds so someone with a serious nasal a world exists where blogging is the thread common to many lives, to infact people around the world.....their lives are irrevocably connected by this medium.
In the true sense blogging is the perfect medium of exchange of ideas, of values and of that special thing...something about our own selves.

I sincerely believe that in the interest of the entire blogging community and of general universal harmony, i should start my blog with a general description of ......something...myself perhaps...
ok then let's do it formally...u noe with tie coat and all...a formal intro...
respected sirs and madams, (the very same who are currently staring at their computer screens)....i wish u all a very warm welocom...sorry welcome..
how are you
i am fine thank you
there, now that we've formally greeted each other.....we will start on a long and interesting journey through time and space over vast forgotton lands and so on and so forth....

i do have a very peculiar idea in mind....this is regarding winning....success.....getting ahead....having mojo whatever u may call it...
recently i went to take part in a stretched over a distance of few miles at the most for most of the professional runners it was just a sprint lap...but for most was an agonising journey through hell....but that's not the point...the point is that the guy who won the marathon was a wanton son of a not swearing at him....and neither am i angry at the fact that the two ton truckload won the marathon in a record time....and not by any personal endeavour of gutwreching practice or anything...he won because when the race started he was already standing at two thirds of the course...but no one evidently did notice the fact....and as things go...he wonn....and well even got praised for running inspite of his tremedous weight and winning....he's an inspiration now...he might even make a seabiscuit...only in his case the name of the movie would be ocean biscuit or something.....
bt inspite of all that i've written...the point remains that he did win the hook or by crook...and that's true for life too.....everyone salutes the rising sun...and no one cares where it came from..
even the holiest and the most prestigious historical figures have resorted to Mechavillian ways to win....look at the Hindu pantheon of gods...Lord Krishna won the Mahabharta to a great extent because of his cunning and crook....Now i am not a historical expert and neither am i a savant to dish out detailed analysis but, I hold my views just the same....Prophet Muhammad too was a great strategist....and was a great human being too.. but he too applied a lot of cunning and used all possible ways to secure his win....
the point is that inspite of all the ethical bullshit....winning is in short everything......sore loosers may praise the journey.....narrow loosers would disparage the winner......but it is the victory that remains important over and above everything else...and the rest of the social dillemmas....the values and ethics would be adjusted according to the winners idealogies.....
its survival of the fittest baby......survival of the fittest

1 comment:

Anirudh H said...

man you write good.....great infact....totally agree about the whole concept..!!!