Sunday, November 13, 2011


the emotions of our body and the symptoms of our soul are very hard to detect
I really want to write a story, I really do and a good story at that....But the problem that I face is the absolute lack of hard work that I am willing to put into anything,...except sleeping of course for which I have more than ample tim, in fact so much so that I dream even of sleeping. I don't reackon there is anybody else who is quite as inclined to sleeping as I am. Far from being merely a past time, it has developed into a full fledged lifestyle of its own. The lifestyle of sleeping and the lifestyle of not sleeping at all are two very different sides of the same coin. In one case the guy probably had the last birth of sloth where he/she had had more than enough time and energy or rather the lack of it to sleep to their hearts desire. But some unfortunate fellow might have had to spend a lifetime of an elephant, which spends despite its enormous size a very tiny fraction of its lifetime sleeping. The majority of its lifetime I suppose goes into walking haphazardly in search of food and water. And as the strict laws of Karma demand the absolute balance of things over the period of births, thou shalt sleepeth if eye thine hadn't slept a wink in your birth bovine. Thus the poor man dictated by the laws of Karma sleeps and some other unfortunate souls on the other sid e of the scale spend a lifetime craving one single good bout of sleep. This complementary action ofcourse is what is the most beautiful about the whole thing.
Now suppose I was able to trade sleeping hours with someone else. No, not in the sense of strictly enforcing this as a matter of some disciplinary action. But to be done by some sort of divine intervention wherein the hours allocated by the lord himself to us can be swapped around like some sort of currency. This would certainly end the dollar woes and give us an imaginary currency for all sorts of the imaginary things that we do purchase. But with dwelling much into the sleeponomics, we should focus on its effect upon the quality of life. Those lethargic souls who have for years dedicated their energies towards the noble work of sleeping would be able to trade their sleeping hours for the waking hours of some insomniac who has for years been trying to sleep and despite the best medicines, hasn't been able to ever sleep comfortably.....except for the times they get tranqualises for causing public nuisance at midnight ofcourse...but that's another story, to be dealt some other time. The thing however upon which I wanted to lay particular emphasis upon was the theory of auto balance. Many things in nature are aligned to the natural principal of auto balance. When the grazing animals start exceeding a particular number, automatically nature devices ways to limit their population, either by predetory action or by their own activities such as migration or fights for mating and sorts...but nature has done grave injustice in applying its principal wantonly in the distribution of the sleeping hours. This quantity is not quite the same as the herd of a million animals. It is a very personal endeavour which each one of us undertakes by the lifestyle that we have to choose in the course of our lives. A guard who has to do night duty would suffer terribly by virtue of bad karma ..... u noe he cud hav never been able to sleep in his previous birhts. On the contrary, some other person, a tired buisnessman who really wants to sleep after the hectic time spent in his office, just wants to get a wink of the precious pearl of sleep but is absolutely unable to do so because of some bad karma...u noe the karma plays both sides. It really is sad that our civilisation so advanced,,,,,,,and yet we are unable to do somehow exchange the hours of our sleep.
The national institute of sleep studies established for the purpose of examining the intricacies of this little known phenomenon has failed miserably in furthering the advance in this field by even a single nanometer, the reason being their own bad Karma which prevents them from waking up at work. Such tragedy and such comedy.....Shakespere would have made it into a play.....the tragedy of sleep which would have left the paltry tragedy of hamlet and romeo juliet far behind....
Wherewithal by understanding all the facts and by keeping all the figures in our mind I have come to the sincere conclusion that sleep as a subject has rarely been examined in terms of the Karmic dimension....but then there are millions of people out there who have had to suffer as a conseaquence of the lack of the research in this very important subject. What we really have to do now is to get hold of couple of insomniac scientists and get them to work at it reaaaaly to help the world become a better place.

1 comment:

Anirudh H said...

lol... would love to trade my sleeping hours with some insomniac for hard cash...